Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, opted for a more elegant look at the extravagant Met Gala 2019. With over $200,000 worth of jewelry, the 34-year-old actress ditched her superhero armor for a charming outfit. Despite the change, she still managed to channel her inner superhero by sporting a distinctive cape at the event, which took place at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Accompanied by designer Clare Wright Keller, Gadot certainly made a memorable statement on the red carpet.
Gal Gadot, known for her role as Wonder Woman, dazzled at the Met Gala 2019 in a breathtaking ensemble worth over $200,000. She stunned in a white guipure lace cape dress by Givenchy Haute Couture, elegantly revealing a black silk knit bodysuit beneath. Completing her look were thigh-high boots in black lacquered guipure lace, perfectly matching the cape dress. To top it off, Gadot wore a stunning silver metal headband adorned with crystals and large pearls, adding a touch of glamour to her overall appearance.
Gadot looked stunning in a beautiful white lace dress from Givenchy Haute Couture, which revealed glimpses of a black silk knit bodysuit underneath. She accessorized her outfit with over $200,000 worth of Tiffany jewelry. One of the standout pieces was a pair of platinum earrings adorned with sparkling diamonds, valued at $185,000. Additionally, she adorned her fingers with seven different rings, including the Tiffany T two ring, Tiffany Victoria alternating ring, Tiffany Cobblestone ring, Tiffany five-row ring, Tiffany Soleste V ring, and a Tiffany Metro ring.
Gadot sparkled in Tiffany jewels worth over $200,000, primarily in her stunning earrings. She delighted fans by posting a video on her Instagram story of Cher’s performance at the event, although it has since been deleted. Despite the ‘no selfie’ rule in place, capturing videos of the performances on stage seems to be acceptable. She also shared a video showcasing her Justice League co-star Ezra Miller wearing a mask adorned with multiple pairs of eyes, adding a quirky touch to the event.
Cher: At the party, Gadot posted a video of Cher performing on her Instagram story, but it has since been deleted. While Gadot doesn’t have any upcoming movies in 2019, she has two major films set for release in 2020. She will be back as Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, in the highly-anticipated sequel Wonder Woman 1984, hitting theaters on June 5, 2020. Additionally, she will be starring in Death on the Nile, a sequel to Murder on the Orient Express from 2017, alongside Kenneth Branagh as Detective Hercule Poirot, set to be released on October 22, 2020.
Get excited for the upcoming Wonder Woman sequel! Gal Gadot is set to reprise her role as Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, in the much-anticipated Wonder Woman 1984. The follow-up to the 2017 box office hit is scheduled to hit theaters on June 5, 2020.