Jennifer Aniston proudly showed off her amazingly fit figure in black lingerie as she offered a sneak peek into a recent photoshoot on Wednesday. The 54-year-old actress took part in a bold shoot for Issue 23 of CR Fashion Book, titled ‘Muses.’ Posting on Instagram, Jennifer shared some candid moments from behind the scenes, rocking a revealing black underwear set underneath an oversized blazer. Her well-toned legs were front and center as she struck various poses, showcasing her physique beneath the stylish blazer. In other shots, she donned a black cape and another suit, while also getting a glimpse of the snaps on the camera.
Impressive: Jennifer Aniston showed off her amazing, sculpted figure in black lingerie while offering a sneak peek into one of her latest photoshoots on Wednesday.
Getting to werk: A 54-year-old actress took part in a bold photo shoot for the 23rd issue of CR Fashion Book, appropriately titled ‘Muses’. She was spotted showing some love to the team members on set as they called it a day. Jennifer shared some behind-the-scenes fun on her socials, saying, ‘On set fun with @crfashionbook.’ In the final shots, she rocked a black bikini top paired with a very cropped white bolero jacket. The actress thanked those behind the scenes, tagging @carineroitfeld, @zoeygrossman, @mrchrismcmillan, and @georgieeisdell in her post.
Jennifer is currently hyping up season three of The Morning Show, co-starring Reese Witherspoon and welcoming Jon Hamm to the cast. Her photo shoot received high praise from fellow celebrities like Julianne Moore calling her ‘gorgeous’ and Michelle Pfeiffer describing her as ‘breathtaking’. On top of all this, Jen gave a shoutout to her beauty line LolaVie and spilled some secrets on how she stays red carpet ready.
Jennifer posted some exclusive behind-the-scenes shots on Instagram, showcasing herself in a oversized blazer with skimpy black underwear.
Her well-toned legs, sculpted from hours at the gym, were highlighted as she gracefully struck various poses, extending her arms to showcase her figure hidden beneath the blazer.
Shoes with high heels: She added some extra inches to her stature by wearing sleek black pointed heels and completed her look with a pair of stylish gold hoop earrings.
Striking a pose: Radiant as always, she dazzled while showcasing the black blazer in a stylish crouch.
In a recent interview, the actress shared her secrets to staying healthy and happy. She emphasized the importance of drinking water, staying active, eating fresh foods, and prioritizing sleep. She acknowledged that getting enough rest can be a challenge but crucial for overall well-being. She also highlighted the importance of being mindful of what enters our minds in a world filled with challenges.
The actress revealed her admiration for beautiful hair and even reminisced about a past fashion moment that left a lasting impression. She raved about her workouts with Pvolve, describing them as transformative and refreshing. She encouraged others to give it a try, emphasizing that it’s suitable for all fitness levels and provides a different experience every time.
Aniston also shared her fascination with medicine, revealing that her interest was sparked by her father’s experience of attending medical school. This exposure to both medicine and the entertainment industry early in life shaped her passion for both fields.
At other times, she was spotted wearing a chic black cape and another stylish suit, and later admiring the photos on the camera.
Hair: She styled her golden locks in loose, beachy waves and went for a classic bronzed makeup look.
Leggy: With a black cape draped over her shoulders, she effortlessly flaunted her sculpted legs as she spun around, showcasing her head-to-toe black ensemble.
She glanced over to review the images captured of her during the photo session.
Friendly: She was spotted embracing different team members on set as they finished their work for the day.
We used to catch medical shows while eating dinner, even ones about micro surgeries – not exactly typical dinner viewing. It was there that my fascination with medicine began to grow. “I have immense appreciation for the advancements made by the science and medical fields in understanding the human body, health, and how we can live our best lives as we get older,” she remarked. Pick up a copy of CR Fashion Book Issue 23 and CR Men Issue 17 at newsstands starting October 3. Aniston’s feature in CR Fashion Book follows Kim Kardashian’s striking buzzcut in the same issue.